
Confidential Advisor Services

Case Number

Before you proceed, please consider the following:
  1. As stated above, you must file your amended claim form with the OCWR no later than 15 calendar days after the date you filed your initial claim form.
  2. You may file your amended claim electronically by clicking on the Create an Electronic Amended Claim button, or you may download a copy of the form by clicking on the Download Amended Claim Form button, and after completing it, you may email, mail, fax, or hand deliver it to the OCWR.
  3. The OCWR also will provide a copy of the amended claim form to the employing office, after you have submitted your amended claim.
  4. Please contact the OCWR (see contact information below) if you have any questions or need assistance with submitting your amended claim form.
  5. For security reasons, your data will not be stored on this website. Once you submit your amended claim form, all data is removed and transferred to your claim folder, which is maintained on an online platform, in a secure environment.


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