
Confidential Advisor Services

Before you proceed, please consider the following:
  1. Your claim must be filed no later than 180 days after the alleged violation(s) of the CAA.
  2. You must either be an employee, a former employee, an applicant, an intern, a detailee, or a fellow of the legislative branch at the time of the violation(s).
  3. You may file your claim electronically by clicking on the Create an Electronic Claim button, or you may download a copy of the form by clicking on the Download Claim Form button, and after completing it, you may email, mail, fax, or hand deliver it to the OCWR.
  4. After you have submitted your claim form, an electronic copy will be available to you in your secure claim folder created by the OCWR on its online platform. The OCWR will provide you a link to your secure claim folder via e-mail.
  5. Access to this secure folder will also be provided to the hearing officer(s) assigned to your case, the legal representative of your employing office, and your representative, should you choose to designate one. Subsequent documents may be uploaded to this folder by either party, the hearing officer(s), and the Clerk of the OCWR.
  6. Your claim will be processed in accordance with the CAA and the OCWR Procedural Rules. Voluntary mediation is available to the parties to seek to resolve a claim by mutual agreement.
  7. Please contact the OCWR (see contact information below) if you have any questions or need assistance with submitting your claim form.
  8. For security reasons, your data will not be stored on this website. Once you submit your claim form, all data is removed and transferred to your claim folder, which is maintained on an online platform, in a secure environment.

Amending your claim


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